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Welcome to pytest-aiomoto

version: 0.7.1

pytest fixtures for AWS services, with support for asyncio fixtures using aiobotocore

This project attempts to provide some common fixtures for commonly used services. As such, it is not a generic package for any services; the moto project provides that and this project builds on that. This project aims to create some useful fixtures that behave nearly the same way for both synchronous clients (botocore) and asynchronous clients (aiobotocore).


  • This package is work in progress, it is not recommended for production purposes. During the initial phases of this project, it is likely that some releases could introduce breaking changes in test fixtures. It's highly recommended pinning this dependency to patch releases during the 0.x.y releases.
  • This package could restrict available versions of aws libs, including: aiobotocore, botocore, boto3, and moto.
  • The fixtures in this package might not be optimized for concurrent testing. It is not known yet whether the fixtures are thread safe or adequately randomized to support parallel test suites.


You can install "pytest-aiomoto" via pip

$ pip install pytest-aiomoto


To list the available fixtures

$ pytest --fixtures